Y Tîm Chwarae
The Play Team

Cynlluniau chwarae caeedig

Mae cynlluniau chwarae caeëdig ar gyfer grwpiau penodol, megis:

  • ysgolion
  • y rhai sy’n byw mewn llety â chymorth

Efallai na fydd y grwpiau hyn yn gallu mynychu ein sesiynau chwarae mynediad agored, felly rydym wedi sefydlu sesiynau llai sy’n cynnig profiad chwarae mwy cefnogol.

Os oes gan eich plentyn anabledd neu os oes ganddo anghenion cymorth penodol, edrychwch ar ein gwybodaeth am gyfleoedd chwarae cynhwysol

Rydym yn darparu sesiynau chwarae mewn lleoliadau llety â chymorth yn y ddinas. Mae’r sesiynau yn rhoi lle ac amser i blant a theuluoedd i ddod i adnabod ei gilydd. Gall hyn helpu i feithrin perthnasoedd a chyfeillgarwch rhwng preswylwyr.

Mae’r sesiynau’n rhoi’r cyfle i blant a phobl ifanc chwarae. Mae cyfle i’r plant a’r rhieni gymdeithasu, dysgu pethau newydd a theimlo eu bod yn cael eu cefnogi.

Gallai ein sesiynau gynnwys:

  • coginio,
  • adeiladu ffau,
  • gwnïo,
  • gwisgo i fyny,
  • chwarae rhannau rhydd (gan ddefnyddio deunyddiau dynol a naturiol i adeiladu, trin ac archwilio trwy ddychymyg a chreadigrwydd)
  • eitemau gemau a chwaraeon,
  • creu gemwaith a chardiau,
  • mygydau,
  • modelu clai a sothach.

Rydym yn gweithio mewn partneriaeth ag ysgolion cynradd yng Nghaerdydd, gan gynnig cefnogaeth a darpariaeth dysgu awyr agored drwy chwarae.

Gall y prosiectau weithio ar draws pob grŵp blwyddyn, yn dibynnu ar anghenion yr ysgolion unigol. Mae’r prosiectau’n darparu rhaglen amrywiol o gyfleoedd chwarae gan ddefnyddio adnoddau naturiol a rhannau rhydd. Mae’r prosiectau’n ategu cwricwlwm yr ysgol yn ogystal â chefnogi a chynyddu cyfleoedd chwarae.

We provide play sessions in local family hostels in Cardiff. The sessions give children and families the time and space to get to know each other and help build relationships and friendships between residents.

The sessions give children and young people the opportunity to play. The children and parents have a chance to socialise, learn new things and feel supported.

Our sessions could include :

  • cooking,
  • den building,
  • sewing,
  • dressing up,
  • loose parts play (using man-made and natural materials to build, manipulate and explore through imagination and creativity)
  • games and sports items,
  • jewellery and card making,
  • masks,
  • clay and junk modelling.

Young carers are children and young people aged 7 to 18 years old who help care for a family member who lives with them.

Being a young carer can leave a young person with little or no time to themselves. The young carers play project provides children with the opportunity to relax, have fun, play and make new friends.

Our sessions could include:

  • cooking,
  • den building,
  • sewing,
  • dressing up,
  • loose parts play (using man-made and natural materials to build, manipulate and explore through imagination and creativity)
  • games and sports items,
  • jewellery and card making,
  • masks,
  • clay and junk modelling.

Play sessions also provide the opportunity for general free time for the young people to relax and enjoy time with friends.

The project works in partnership with YMCA.

We work in partnership with primary schools in Cardiff, providing support and delivery of outdoor learning through play.

The projects can work across all year groups, depending on the individual schools’ needs. The projects deliver a diverse programme of play opportunities using natural resources and loose parts. The projects compliment the school curriculum as well as supporting and increasing play opportunities.

We provide a Play Work programme, through Cardiff Council’s Vocational Education Team.

Find out more about the Vocational Education Team.

We operate play schemes on Rover Way Gypsy Traveller site.  The play sessions are for 5 to 14 years olds, providing children with time, space, resources and the opportunity to play.

Due to limited play space we deliver sessions from a small, dedicated area.  Encouraging children to play together, building relationships and reassuring parents that it is safe for children to take part in play sessions.

Types of activities can include arts and crafts, loose parts, natural elements, such as wind, water, earth, fire.  Play sessions can also incorporate playing on Splott beach, located behind the site.

Cysylltu â ni